Details Regarding Submission of Assignment
- The students are hereby asked to submit the assignment only during IGNOU Office Timing.
- Late submission will not be accepted on any account.
- After evaluation they can get them back from the Study Centre before written theory examination. Study Centre does not take any responsibility thereafter.
- The assignment(s) are to be submitted on time as per dates given by SR&E Division (Delhi).
- Clarification regarding marks, remarks in the assignment will be dealt only on Sunday.
- Students should do the assignment work from home, not during the practical / theory sessions.
- Assignments should be hand written only; no typed assignments will be accepted.
- Handwriting should be written neatly and readable.
- Paper Size should be same.
- Use any one color ink pen. Do not use ‘RED’ ink pen.
- The assignments are to be submitted in Course wise attached in a Card Board File only.
- Do not send the assignment through e-mail.
- The assignment should have the following details:.
- Name of the Student
- Enrollment number
- Programme Title
- Course Tile & Course Code
- Date of submission
- Signature
- Assignment Code Number
- Attach “Acknowledgment Receipt Copy” along with the assignments.
- Get back acknowledgement / receipt while submitting your assignments.
- Attach Photocopy of the Question Paper along with the assignment.
(Only for BDP – MP – MEG – MAH Program) - The Coordinator / Study Centre has the right to reject the assignments received after the due date. Therefore, the students are advised to submit the assignments before the due date.
- “Use of UNFAIR means / COPYING Assignments” are NOT Allowed.
If the above instructions are not followed your assignments will be rejected and you will be entitled to get ’00’ marks.